🎉 Introduction:
 As part of José Cuervo's Day of the Dead campaign, an innovative interactive filter was developed, offering users the option to participate with or without the use of a marker. My contribution focused on designing the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) for both options.
🔥 Challenge:
 The challenge was to create a versatile interactive filter that could adapt to different usage scenarios. The goal was to provide an immersive and thematically relevant experience for the Day of the Dead, ensuring participation from both those who had access to a marker and those who did not.
💡 Proposal:
 It was proposed to develop a filter that offered two modes of use: with marker and without marker. For the markerless version, a spiraling portal was designed where the cholo entered to take the user to Mictlán. In the marker version, the user was invited to find a specific image to participate in a festival organized by José Cuervo.
🚀 Implementation:
 In the markerless version, upon activating the filter, the user saw a moving spiral in the style of the Mictlán portal. Additionally, the user could place their body in front of the filter, and the cholo would appear in front of them, creating a unique interactive experience.
For the marker version, the user was instructed to find a specific image to participate in the festival. This image was linked to the brand and offered the opportunity to receive special gifts from José Cuervo during the event.
📊 Result:
 The interactive filter proved to be a success, allowing participation from a wide variety of users. The filter's versatility, along with its thematically relevant Day of the Dead theme, contributed to its popularity and positive response from users.
🎉 Conclusion: This project demonstrated the importance of offering flexible options to ensure participation from a diverse audience. The combination of interactive and thematically relevant elements resulted in an engaging and memorable experience for users, strengthening José Cuervo's commitment to innovation and creativity in its Day of the Dead campaign.

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